West Woods Elementary, Farmington CT
So, after a long school day me and my friends thought it was a good idea to have a playdate.
We first asked our moms and all of our moms told us yes, so I invited my friends over and I waited patiently and finally they came over. We have fun and then my sister comes into my room and my other friend tells me we should prank my friend. She tells me that we should hit my other friend lightly and so, I tell my sister in Polish, just so my friends don't understand. I tell her to hit my friend once lightly, and my sister does it and then she does it, again and again so, I tell my sister to stop but of course she doesn't listen and so, I start begging for her to stop and she still doesn't listen to me.
I start telling that I’ll give her candy and toys if she stops and of course she still doesn't listen to me and she keeps doing it, and my friend by this point my friend is screaming to tell her to stop but she doesn't so, then she starts hitting her with toys like stuffed animals and then me and my friend, that's not getting hit with the stuffed animals.
We go downstairs so, we don't get hit by my sister and so, my friend is yelling to wait but we are not waiting and another reason we went downstairs is because we didn't hear the nonsense, and then my sister starts hitting her with stuff like containers and so, we completely ignore her and so, we head upstairs and my friends think we should play truth or dare. We play and then im focused in the game and my sister grabs a peppa pig house and she's about to hit my friend in the head with it so, my friend sees it coming and I don't so, my friend pushes me to where my sister is and herself she ran to my desk and then first I yelled why did you push me.
I argued what's your problem why did you push me and I added and then she yelled that my sister was coming close to her and then boom my sister hits me my friend that was supposed to get hit and she starts laughing when i'm in pain cause I got hit in the head with the peppa pig house and so, I run down stairs and tell my mom what just happened and she yells at my sister and grounds her, and then i'm sitting on the couch with a ice pack and then my sister comes over and slaps me in the face and the friend that was laughing starts saying I would not be crying and keeps laughing and my other friend is asking me if i'm okay and I tell her that i'm fine and then fast forward 2 weeks