Flora Opaku-Gymafi
Noah Wallace Elementary, Farmington CT

“I’m so excited but nervous at the same time!”, I thought to myself as we arrived at Aquamarine pool.The drive took about 6 minutes,But I was so excited and nervous at the same time it felt like it only took 1 minute.I leapt out the car in joy; My dark brown eyes glimmering in the 95 degree sun.”it is as hot as an oven out here”, I complain while I melt into a chocolate puddle.”relax! We just got here”, my mom encourages.
We walk inside and what looks like a woman casts a shadow behind me.I turn around and before me was a tall mixed brown haired,blue eyed woman.”hello! Nice to meet you.And you are?”, she asks me ”fl-l-lora” I reply shyly.”my name is Jennifer, but you can call me Ms.J.please follow me”, she says kindheartedly. I followed her until I reached a 4-foot water pool.It smelled like bleach.I leap In enthusiastically;”splash” ,went the water. but, I had made a big mistake.I was only 3 feet tall, and the pool water was 4 feet tall! I had started to drown!
Just as I was about to breathe in the water,Ms.J pulled me out onto the pool floor.”phttttttt.hack hack hack”. I was in a coughing fit.”you ok?” Ms.J asked worried.”yea”, I responded relieved I was still alive.Then she put a table in the water so I could stand.we start the lesson a few seconds later; “not bad!”She replied happily after my turn ended. 30 minutes later we go home, take a shower ,change into our pajamas,and go to sleep.
The next day,Instead of going to my big bro's swimming lessons, I went to my little brothers.First we went to aquamarine, then we went to rockwell swimming pool. My swim teacher said I did awesome at the end of the session.From that day on,I was never scared about swimming again.
Hi Flora It's purna mr.ives class of 2023-2024
My grandchildren would love this story. I am going to the beach one of these summers and I'll be sure to read this to them. Good job Flora Opaku-Gymafi!